First a disclaimer. The Efficient Eater is absolutely aware that some people do not allow their food to touch on the plate. That is fine. We respect your choice. We are also aware that some people do not like green food. That’s fine too. Or some cannot mix hot and cold food. All those preferences, may wish to skip this page.
For everyone else, here we discuss where to put your fresh vegetables when you do not want to make a separate salad.
At The Efficient Eater, we want to occasionally eat fresh vegetables without compromising your efficient eating lifestyle. To that end, we recommend putting the veggies underneath all the other food. You will consume for nutritional value without wasting time making a separate dish.
To do this, you will be forced to have food touch, mix hot and cold, and eat your vegetables. The Efficient Eater absolutely wants to eat a healthy meal, but absolutely cannot stand making a separate salad. All that chopping and washing. Instead, work with those few low maintenance vegetables that do not detract from the taste of other foods.
To that end, the best vegetables are those that can be eaten fresh without cooking and require no cutting, peeling or alternation of any kind.
Here are your suggestions for fresh, raw vegetables to put under your cooked food:
- Asparagus – quick wash and throw directly on the plate
- Broccoli – as long as you are up for the chunky and crunchy ness
- Cauliflower – like broccoli
- Lettuce – always good for lining a plate and can be cut up as you work through the rest of the meal
- Radish – as long as you do not cut them. These work well with anything else served in bite size chunks like meatballs or tortellini